Color Word Game
Materials: Index Card, Markers, Pencils or Crayons of Different Colors
Getting Ready: Write on each card the word that describes a color but use a color of marker that is different from the name of the color you just wrote on the card. For example, write the word BLUE on a card but use a GREEN marker to write it. Use a RED marker to write the Color BLUE. Etc.
How to Play: There should be a card flipper, a score keeper, and the players answering the questions. Everyone takes a turn to say the words that are on the cards, but the key is paying attention to both, the question AND what you are actually looking at. So, whoever wants to flip cards first, takes the stack of cards and shows the cards to the other(s) one at a time. The other players have to first READ the words as they are written on the cards. The card flipper then shuffles the cards and once again shows them to the others, one at a time, and this time asking them to name the COLOR of the words written on the cards. Then shuffle the cards again and this time the flipper can choose to alternate and ask for the word on the card then the color, etc. Each time the flipper holds a card up they can only keep them up for about 15 seconds each time. Every time someone gives the correct answer, they get a point. Whoever get the most points at the end of the games earns a prize.
Let’s Talk About It:
What was the hardest part, saying the color that was on the card or reading the word?
Did anyone use any strategy to get the right answers?
Let’s talk about the strategies that each person used to try to get the right answer.
Who can talk about the difference it makes when we stop to think about something instead of blurting out answers in trying to get it right.
*Adapted from: "70 Play Activities for Better Thinking, Self-regulation, and Learning & Behavior" by L. Kenney and R, Comizio*
Copy Cat
Materials: Play-doh, Blocks, and/or Legos.
How to Play: Grown ups will build a structure or a sculpture and the kids have to copy it exactly including color, shape, size, etc. For younger kids, leave the structure out so that the kids can look it over as they work. For older kids, increase the level of difficulty by leaving the structure out for only 60 seconds (or 30 seconds depending on developmental ability) then hiding it so the kids have to work from memory. The kids can then take their turn building a structure or making a sculpture and the parents have to take their turn at copying it exactly.
Let's Talk About it:
What was the fun part about doing this activity?
What strategies did you use to remember the different parts of the sculpture?
Was it easy or hard to remember the object by imagining it?
What exactly did you do the copy the object exactly?
*Adapted from: "70 Play Activities for Better Thinking, Self-regulation, and Learning & Behavior" by L. Kenney and R, Comizio*
What's In The Bag?
Materials: One brown paper bag, five small toys or items to place in the bag.
Getting Ready: Have the kids gather five small toys or items that are fun or meaningful to them. Parents do the same. Try to find items that are relevant to the child (something they made for you or an award they earned or something they like).
How To Play: Everyone will bring their items to the game area but keep them hidden from each other. They will then each take turns placing an item in the paper bag. The person who's turn it is will place one of their five items in the bag (without the others seeing what it was) and close the bag. The person will then hand the bag to another player and that person will try to guess what is in the bag by describing it as best as they can. "This is a heavy toy," "This is a very light toy." "This is a soft toy," "This is small enough to fit in my had." The person makes at least three guesses as to what is in the bag. After the last guess they open the bag and see if they guessed it or missed it!
Let's Talk About It:
What made you come up with your guesses?
What made it easy or difficult to describe this toy?
Do you see this toy differently now that you touched it and described it without using your eyes?
What other things could this item had been?
*Adapted from: "70 Play Activities for Better Thinking, Self-regulation, and Learning & Behavior" by L. Kenney and R, Comizio*
Freeze Dance
Materials: Music, Cards, Marker, lots of space.
Getting Ready: Put on some comfy clothes you can move in. Find a spot at home that is spacious enough to move around in. You may need to move some furniture a little bit. On each card draw a stick figure striking a different pose.
How to Play: Parents hold the cards while the kids stand with plenty of room between them. Parent then holds up one of the cards and starts the music. The kids dance around to the music while keeping an eye on the card with the stick figure pose. When the music stops, the kids must freeze in the exact pose of the stick figure on the card. Keep doing this switching the cards and poses for each turn. At one point, the parents join in the dance while one of the kids holds up the cards with the pose.
Let's Talk About It:
What was the funniest pose?
Which pose was the easiest?
Which parent danced the best?
Teach each other one of their signature moves.
Which song was the best one to dance to?
*Adapted from: "70 Play Activities for Better Thinking, Self-regulation, and Learning & Behavior" by L. Kenney and R, Comizio*